When Daniel was a cub scout, he developed an irrational fear of black bears mauling him while camping. I showed him the statistic that stated his chances of being mauled by a bear were less than being struck by lightning. I waited for the "Thanks, mom, you are right, I now clearly see that I WON'T get mauled by a bear this weekend." What I got was, "Great, now I have 2 things to worry about." In the end, he kept camping and eventually stopped worrying about bears.
I have 2 kids with learning issues. I worry. There are a lot of rather depressing statistics, some true, some false. As Daniel pointed out during his bear-phobia phase, if something is one in a million, someone has got to be "one"... and as a mother, I tend to think, "WHAT IF MY KID IS THAT ONE!" And yes, I do think that in caps.
So I am not going to dwell on statistics this month.
I let Ryan pick out the video clip for today. He is a lot like our friend Tom, especially the part about playing sick to get out of work! He smiles and nods as it plays, LOL. He also says I am a lot like the mom, not caring unless there is a fever involved.....
Ryan's pick of the day....
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