Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yes, YOU need to come to RISE!

I am popping on to share information about the Tennessee branch of the IDA's terrific annual conference.   I am heading to Knoxville this weekend to iron out all the little pre-conference details with the other board members and thought I would spread the word.


Our conference is our biggest outreach to parents, teachers, paraprofessionals and anyone else affected by dyslexia and its related learning issues.  There are workshops for the new, nervous parents and workshops for trained professionals - everyone can find something to expand their awareness and find out ways to help the people in their lives.


Who needs to come?

Look at all the places within 300 miles!  An easy drive to beautiful Knoxville!

And if you are wondering if it would be worth your time and money, spend a few minutes checking out this information presented on his website by our keynote speaker, David Boulton ( "Children of the Code")

Why should I care about reading?

Please share with any teacher or parent you may know who would be interested.  They can email me if they have questions.
